There's nothing about them that's nice. They're lumpy clog-like and just simply hideous. You've got to question the IQ factor of anyone who owns a pair. They are almost anti-fashion they're so bad. I still find myself pointing and laughing when I see people wear them, although these days I tend not to laugh too loud after all one must be sympathetic to the mentally challenged.
But seriously, why would anyone wear them, apart from being ugly they make your feet look huge. OK, nothing wrong with big feet as long as you're a guy and everything is in proportion (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Of course they've made their inventor a million which is cool, but seriously can we get them out of the shops now as the trend is over and flogged to death already.
In the meantime, a couple of asprin and a pair of sunglasses wouldn't go amiss!