In a continuation from a previous post title "an apple a day" and after settling in and playing around with my MacBook with much enthusiasm, I decided to take my entertainment setup to a new level and "Macify" (a word I've just added to the English Dictionary) my home.
So I rushed over to my local technology center and purchased an Airport Extreme Wireless router together with an Apple TV. After a few false starts I managed to get everything working together and it worked like a charm.
A little while later as I was sat there watching an episode of Heroes (great show by the way) on my Plasma TV that was being streamed from my MacBooks hard disk through the Airport Extreme Router by the Apple TV it suddenly struck me how amazing technology has become. I mean it really is amazing when you step back and think about it. And not only amazing but accessible.
Not only can you use the Apple TV to watch movies or music that you have on your hard disk, but through itunes you can even watch previews of all the latest movies without leaving your home. I for one thought that was totally cool, and I haven't even mentioned the photo album options.
Of course now I intend to totally rip my DVD's and get back some cupboard space, a little project that's going to take me a couple of years I hasten to add. well that's what I get for living in the dark ages collecting DVD's!.
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