Yes its true, believe it or not the Singapore government recently revoked an age old law that made it a criminal offence for people to engage in anal or oral sex, even if they were married. Of course it only revoked this law for hetrosexual couples. Homosexuality still remains a crime in Singapore. Discrimination I hear you cry ....
.... not in Singapore. Appearantly the govenement is just protecting its people who aren't ready to deal with the issue of homosexuality yet.
Still its nice to know in such a civilised society that women can now legally enjoy a bit of bum fun with their spouses, and I'm sure they're totally trilled by the prospect. Of course one must wonder who advised the change in this particular law. Wouldn't you just love to be a fly on the wall in that household!.
Oh Yessssss minister!!!!
Betcha don't wanna miss this!
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‘HELLO MONSTERS’ appeared first on Glitz Singapore.
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