2025 and who would have believed that ye old orange head, grab them by the pussy, convicted felon would be elected as President of America for a second term. Yes the constitutional wreaking ball is back and by all the news reports already started his whirlwind tour of Biden bashing.
Diversity, equity and inclusion are out the window (and no doubt many companies will follow this lead or risk becoming targets for his ire). In addition, only male and female sexes will be recognised under the new administration in a nod to his far right christian voters. The funding for the World Health Organisation has been stopped (because they didn't come down hard enough on China).

America has pulled out of the Paris Climate agreement, clean energy no longer required and fracking and solid fuels are the order of the day with his "drill baby drill" commitment, America's reliance on oil from China no doubt a thorn in his side. Indeed when it comes to climate change he has in the past referred to it as "mythical", "nonexistent", or "an expensive hoax", clearly establishing himself as not a fan despite any evidence to the contrary. And all of this is just the beginning, in fact its in the first week.
Over the next 4 years the world will watch. And as America pats itself on the back for becoming "great again" it will no doubt become less and less relevant on the world stage as it slides backwards and other countries start to maintain a healthy but cordial distance. I am already predicting a year of global upheaval in 2027/28, when the potential for armed conflict will be at its highest, I mean why elect a new president in a time of war.
Of course I hope I am wrong but I cannot see him giving up his power as president so readily after this, his last official term. And even then it wouldn't surprise me if work is not already under way to make changes there too, his praise for his Russian equivalent all too public.
So, lets wait and see, but I have to say that I lack any optimism at this point. God bless America, because God knows it needs it.
Although on the plus side, playing any of his speeches at half speed is an endless source of amusement.
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