I have to admit that I'm not surprised by the out pouring of love and support for Kong Hee and his would be popstar (sic) wife Sun Ho. I'm sure they are both overjoyed as they sit in their $9.8m condo on Sentosa cove to know that so many people still care. No doubt as they look back 4 years ago to their humble 197K HDB apartment they can only thank God themselves for how blessed they have truly been.

What people don't seem to understand though is that the investigation into Kong Hee and others has been going on for a while, its not something that has suddenly appeared out of the blue. And for all of Kong Hee's teary eyed speeches and quotes of "I maintain my integrity" he has yet to declare himself innocent of the charges in question. So read into that what you will.
I also love the fact how .... another member of the church's Crossover Project spoke out in defense of Sun, giving his testimony on how the Project had helped convert Thai teenagers to Christianity via "hip" and "popular" music and dances .... I mean talk about scrapping the bottom of a barrel to try and bring some religious (sic) credibility to Sun Ho's musical (sic) career.
Of course the City Harvest Church is known to emphasize tithing, the give us your money and God will reward you with more kind of speech constantly backing this strange philosophy with many testimonies for people who have prospered financially after giving to the church. Yes that's right, forget ending hunger or diseases, or war or famine, give us your money and God will give you more. Naturally God has nothing better to do with his time after all.
The whole things is laughable on so many levels that just watching the sheep "Baaaaaaa" has been amusing and you can be sure that I will be watching from the sidelines with my bucket of popcorn to see how this story unfolds. That said of course I can pretty much guess how that's going to go. After all it's very difficult for sheep to be anything other than sheep when all is said and done.
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